Openpath is a secure cloud based access control system offering some very impressive and unique features not found in other access control systems. The Openpath access control system primarily utilizes mobile credentials allowing users to use their phones for access into the building. Openpath Readers Allow for Hands Free Entry One of their unique features is the hands free entry. The Openpath readers can be configured to allow the wave of your hand to unlock the door. Allowing you to keep your phone in your pocket, backpack, or purse and not having to present it to the reader. The Openpath readers work with the mobile credentials as well as the Openpath cards and tags. They will even work with legacy HID Proximity credentials that many companies still utilize. Video Reader Pro Openpath has just introduce the Video Reader Pro. This reader contains both the Openpath reader technology and a 5MP super high definition camera in one compact unit. It is designed to automatically associate the video clip with the access control event, allowing you the ability to see the activity at your door. Triple Unlock Technology Openpath’s patented triple unlock technology makes the use of the mobile credential very easy and reliable. This technology works with Bluetooth, WiFi, and LTE cellular data for fast authentication. Bluetooth is utilized directly by the reader and local Smart Hub. The WiFi allows for both local Smart Hub or cloud authentication. The cellular data is authenticated in the cloud. These three technologies combine to make for a quick verification and authorization. Allowing authorized users to pass quickly through secured entry points. Guest Pass If authorized your mobile users can provide Guest Passes for visitors allowing them entry into the building. These passes are provided via text or email and allow visitors entry at a specific reader or group of readers and are valid for a user specified time. Integrations Openpath has a number of integrations with various third party software and services allowing you to link your access control system to these other systems. The integrations include identity providers: Google G Suite, Microsoft Azure Active Directory, Okta, and OneLogin. They also integrate with a number of video systems: Camio, Rhombus, Milestone, and Cisco Meraki. The Openpath system will integrate with the Envoy visitor management system, as well as other integrations with Slack (business communications), Allegion (wireless locks), Zapier (business automation), Cove (tenant experience), and ButterflyMX (intercom system).

You are responsible for overseeing your company’s alarm system. Among your many other duties…. As your company has grown the way the alarm system functions has not changed to meet the changing dynamics of your organization. You are finding more times than not the alarm system is not being activated at night and on the weekends when it should be. When it is armed employees are triggering it accidently because they forgot their alarm codes or they are a new hire that has not been assigned a code. This is very typical of a growing organization. The alarm system that worked when you had 30 employees no longer works for 100+ employees. The panel does not allow for enough alarm codes, the way the system functions no longer meets your needs, you have personnel working all hours of the day and night trying to get the latest projects out and meet the deadlines of a growing successful company. As the company has grown so have your security requirements. As a 30 person company you only needed a burglar alarm system; now as a 100+ company you have the burglar system as well as the card entry system and the video surveillance system. You have all these systems because management required them, your customers required them, your insurance company wanted them, and they are providing for a better controlled and more secured environment for your employees and the critical assets of the company. So how do you make sure the burglar alarm system is being activated? That is a good question and one that has different answers depending on your circumstances. Arm & Disarm on a Schedule In some instances simply programming the alarm panel to arm and disarm based on a schedule works well. If you maintain set hours of operations then this can resolve the issue of the alarm system not being activated at night or on the weekends. This may require a panel upgrade to allow for the scheduling functions. Supervised Closings & Smart Application Likewise you may want to have the alarm system supervised. By supervising the alarm system from the monitoring station if the alarm system has not been activated by a specified time then you will receive a phone call or text message alerting you that the alarm system did not arm. The appropriate action can be taken to activate the system. If equipped with a smart application it may be as simple as activating the alarm system from your smart phone. Integrate the Alarm and Access Control Systems Sometimes integrating the alarm system with the access control system is the best solution. Configuring the alarm system such that the first person in automatically disarms the system. The system can be programmed to arm at a specific time or the last person out can manually arm the system. You can even arm the alarm system without an alarm code utilizing the quick arm function. On the Honeywell Ademco system the quick arm function is the # key plus either the 2 key to arm away or the 3 key to arm stay. No user code required. This functionality must be enabled in the system programming. Arm / Disarm Readers Sometimes the best solution is installing an Arm Disarm reader at each of the alarm keypad locations. This reader is designed to toggle the alarm system based on a valid credential. When the system is armed and a valid credential is presented the alarm system disarms. When the system is disarmed and a valid credential is presented the system arms. This eliminates the need to issue alarm codes to all of the employees they can simply use their access control credential. Perimeter Alarm Integrated with Access Control System In other instances the detectors on the alarm system have to be changed out to best accommodate the changes in the way the organization now functions. For those organizations that may have personnel working all hours of the day and night it may be best to have a perimeter alarm system that is integrated with the access control system. A perimeter alarm system consists of door contacts, glassbreak detectors, and local door alarms at the perimeter card entry doors. With this type of system we are strictly monitoring the perimeter of the building. There are no interior detectors. By integrating the alarm with the access control system you allow authorized employees to enter through a card reader door without having to deactivate the alarm system. Likewise, those employees can exit through the card reader door without triggering the alarm system after-hours. The alarm system is programmed to arm and disarm on a schedule and is supervised so if there is a failure you are notified. We at Protection Plus Security Services are experts at protecting your small to medium sized business. We have the experience and know how to provide the right solution. Please contact us for a free security review.

Too many times when speaking to business owners or their representatives about an upcoming move I hear “We don’t need security the building has it.” This false sense of security creates huge opportunities for the bad guys. I have seen many instances of the bad guys getting into the building, lying in wait until the building locks down at night, then having their way with every office in the building all because the tenants thought the building security was enough. Don’t be the next victim! Don’t be the one that shows up for work to find out your office has been broken into and critical business data or materials are missing. At a minimum you should have a simple intrusion alarm system in place; monitor the suite entry doors and install some interior motion detectors to detect the presence of an intruder in the office. This simple system can detect and deter an intruder. Additionally, you should have a video surveillance system, this system does not need to be sophisticated, it just needs to view and record the doors into the suite and any other key areas of your business. Many times the bad guys will case out the building and businesses in advance; eliminating the businesses with alarms and video systems from their list. Having a visible camera in the reception area can be a great deterrent. Finally, you may want to consider a card entry system. Control who can enter the suite and where they can go. If the suite design allows then restrict non authorized users from getting beyond the reception area. Control access into the suite; the main reception door, interior reception door, and any hallway doors. Control access into sensitive areas; the server room, any labs, etc. Make it hard to get to your sensitive data and materials. The more layers of security the harder it is for the bad guys the more likely they will move on and select a less complicated target. We at Protection Plus Security Services are experts in business security systems. Contact us for a free security evaluation. Call 800-498-9297 or visit our website at www.protectionplussecuirty.com to schedule an appointment.

Whether used to enhance an existing alarm system or as a primary video surveillance option, there are some good reasons to consider Videofied. Videofied integrates cameras, illumination and motion sensors in a single device. When it detects motion, it sends a 10-second video clip of the incident over the cell network for immediate response—and arrests! Real Time Video Means Real Results The best security and video surveillance systems employ many different methods to achieve the highest levels of security. Most systems include video surveillance cameras which records events. Videofied adds an additional layer of protection delivering an immediate transmission of a video clip to the monitoring operator, providing a view of a crime in progress. The video confirms the alarm is an actual crime in progress, and not a costly false alarm. This information is relayed to law enforcement who are dispatched on a Priority Response, able to act quickly on real-time and reliable information Indoor and Outdoor Durability Whether you need to deter theft, vandalism or break-ins, Videofied, an innovative video alarm security system, can be installed right where you need it. Here are a few of the advantages: Self-powered, no AC power needed Completely wireless All weather from temperatures ranging from -20F to 140F Operates for years on a single set of batteries The Benefits of Modern Security Videofied offers modern security with flexibility and mobile convenience. Every time one of the built-in motion sensors is tripped, it both notifies you and provides a clip of the incident, whereas a traditional alarm system can only tell you that an alarm was tripped, not who or what caused the incident. The system offers additional unique benefits, as well: It can be used to upgrade and enhance existing systems Fast and easy install Cost effective No wires for intruders to cut Military grade radio transmission for incredible range and immunity to interference Interactive app makes it easy to arm and disarm Money saving solution to reduce false alarms Wireless passive infrared motion detection cameras Learn more about how Videofied can enhance the security at your operations! Call us today! 800-498-9297

It is far more common than most people realize, and far more dangerous. Over and over, employers are having problems getting employees out of the building when the alarm sounds. Owners may foresee this problem and have difficulties overcoming this obstacle. Designed for Property Protection, not Life Protection In many instances, especially for B Occupancies or business occupancies, the fire alarm system is designed for property protection only. This means that the fire alarm system is designed to detect the activation of the building sprinkler system so the fire department can be dispatched. This is a known as a sprinkler monitoring system. The requirements for the sprinkler monitoring system in California are: • Utilizing a CSFM (California State Fire Marshal) approved Fire Alarm Panel • Monitoring of the water flow detectors and any shut-off valves on the sprinkler system • Having one smoke detector above the fire alarm panel • One manual activated pull station, usually located in the main lobby • One fire alarm annunciator (fire alarm keypad to identify alarm and trouble zones). This too is usually located in the front lobby. • One horn strobe unit (sounder and light) located in the front lobby. • HVAC Unit shutdown How This Can Create the Perfect Storm In a system designed purely for property protection, it does exactly what it is designed to do– protect property. If the sprinkler system should activate due to a fire the occupants, employees, are not aware of this activation unless they are in the front lobby of the building because this is where the horn strobe unit is located. This could be a huge liability for a company and ultimately result in injury or death to their employees. Most companies conduct regular evacuation drills so as to be able to get their employees out of the building and account for the employees in the event of an emergency. These drills are often unsuccessful because they do not have the right system in place. Some companies use the phone paging system to alert employees to evacuate, others use bull horns – running throughout the building, others have a designated ERT (emergency response team) who’s responsibility, among others, is to get employees out of the building and proactively handle the issue. There are several problems with this approach, including: • It depends on the ERT to be present in order to fulfill duties • It delays response, using critical time • Locating and informing everyone in enough time is likely not a realistic expectation The Solution For those companies whose buildings are equipped with the minimal fire protection and want a sure proof method of getting employees out of the building, Fire Code does allow for the addition of the evacuation components to alert all personnel of an issue and have them evacuate the building. This involves installing horn/strobe and strobe units throughout the building in conformance with fire alarm codes and for installing manual pull stations at the exit locations so the alarm can be manually activated. This allows for activation when there is a need to evacuate for reasons other than fire such as an earthquake, chemical release, and others. With the horn/strobe and strobe units in place, upon activation, the horns sound and alarm and the strobes flash in a synchronized manner to alert personnel. Adding the evacuation components to a B Occupancy is strictly a voluntary action. However, because it is a modification to the fire alarm system it must be done in accordance with Fire Code and has to be approved by the AHJ (Authority Having Jurisdiction) typically the local fire department. Code is very specific about the placement and spacing of the horn strobes and strobes throughout a building. Protection Plus Security Services is a full-service electronic security system integrator serving the greater San Francisco Bay Area and expert in meeting your fire and security needs. For more information about adding the evacuation component to a B Occupancy building, contact us at 800-498-9297 today!

In an age where there is an online tutorial for just about everything, is it really necessary to hire a professional? While tutorials are great for learning a lot of things, most people who try find out quickly that taking a DIY approach to security does not provide the advantage they had hoped. In fact, it very well may set in motion a ripple effect of problems that are not soon overcome. Here are some important reasons why you should trust your commercial security to a professional rather than YouTube. It’s More Complicated Than It Looks There are aspects of security that seem pretty straightforward. But as soon as you go to implement them, you find out that the technologies or the proper ways to implement them effectively are not as simple as they seem. Even the best system will not be effective if not installed and implemented correctly. It is Easy to Spend Too Much A security professional comes with extensive industry knowledge and knows the most cost-effective approach to getting the job done well. One moderately priced security camera of the right type may eliminate the need for several others, for example. Without that knowledge, it is easy to end up having to pour money into a security system project that never seems to end. Better Integration We all go in loving the features and the possibilities of all that we can do with an integrated system. The possibilities are real, but integration is no small task. Not all systems work well together, or at all, and all it takes is one that doesn’t to throw a huge wrench in the works. A security systems dealer will know the best system and technology choices to accomplish your commercial security goals and make sure your intrusion, access control, and video surveillance systems all work from one platform. Build With Tomorrow in Mind Another lesser realized advantage is that a security professional can build a security system that will serve you today but one that does not limit what you can do tomorrow. It is far too easy to invest heavily in components that will not serve you should your business grow but once the money is spent, you’re committed. You Get Support Unless you’re someone that enjoys going through textbook size manuals in order to get the most out of their commercial security system, having one professionally installed is a good idea. A professional can give valuable instruction at the time of installation and provide ongoing support so that you’ll get the most use and value from your system. Every business faces serious security concerns, from theft and vandalism to fraud, violence, and even terrorism. Protection Plus Security helps businesses meet those challenges with a wide range of services that include intrusion, access control, video surveillance, and more. Call 800-498-9297 today for more information!